The Port Elliot Town & Foreshore Improvement Association

The Association had its beginnings as a Progress Association in late 1854. At a public meeting in early 1924 a Port Elliot Town and Foreshore Improvement Committee was formed, eventually becoming an incorporated body.

Horseshoe Bay Port Elliot

Read More Details about PETFIA

Latest News

Posted on 26th September 2024

Your New Committee for 2024-25

Following our AGM, the following Members have been elected as your PETFIA Committee:

    President - Brenton Osborne,  Vice President - Geoff Mudge,  Secretary - Peter Nichols,   Treasurer - Joe Christmas,   Committee Members - Belinda Sullivan,   Steve Corbally
Congratulations all.

The Jetty's Back In Use!

Great to see the Jetty back and available. Well done Alexandrina Council and the contractors. Now if we can just get the 'Joe Barton Steps' plaque found and replaced on the jetty steps.....

The Turnstiles and Garden Shed

Great to see the refurbished turnstiles back in the Soldiers Gardens; and the replacement Garden Shed for the Gardens is on the go. Again, Well Done Alexandrina Council.

The Final Draft Master Plan For Port Elliot

We still await a formal date for the Draft Plan to be formally presented to Port Elliot ratepayers, residents, and businesses for their feedback on the Plan's content and suitability with regard to our towns long expressed wishes. Council recently indicated that the draft Plan will be updated to include outcomes from the Village Consultation conducted October 2023, and will be presented to Council in "the next few months" for their approval.

The The Village Conversations Outcomes For Port Elliot

In November 2023, the community of Port Elliot was invited to participate in Council's 'Village Conversations' program. The results of the consultations were presented to Council at the 18 March 2024 meeting. Port Elliot communities' input to the program has been summarised in the agenda for the meeting at Pages 136-149, and can be viewed via the following link here.

The Port Elliot Community Garden Latest Newsletter

The Community Garden Newsletter can be accessed by clicking on the title above.

Port Elliot Town & Foreshore Area of Action Map